Luján Lázaro Herrero

Luján Lázaro Herrero

Senior Lecturer

Holder of a Diploma in Social Education (1998) and a Graduate in Pedagogy (2000). She studied the doctoral programme “Perspectivas Histórico Comparada y Política de la Educación” [Comparative Historical Perspectives and Education Policy] (2000-2002), and in 2008 she received her Doctorate in Pedagogy from Salamanca University, with a thesis called “La perspectiva social de jornada escolar en la Unión Europea. Estudio comparado en Italia, Francia, Portugal y España” [The social perspective of the school day in the European Union. A comparative study involving Italy, France, Portugal and Spain]. It was awarded the special PhD prize (2009), and in 2010 it received the 4th “Pedro Roselló” National Award for Doctoral Theses in Comparative Education. She was Visiting Scholar Research Fellow in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at Madison University, Wisconsin (USA). She currently lectures at the Faculty of Education at Salamanca University, in the Department of Theory and History of Education. Her lines of research involve Comparative and International Education and Education Policy. Her research has revolved around the investigation of several subject areas: Governance and teacher training, the commercialisation of education, international education policies, the mechanisms of New Public Management and Higher Education, University Management and Policy, as well as the epistemology and methodology of Comparative Education.